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Keep an eye out for all homework to come home in your child's folder. If you are not seeing homework in the folder, please let me know! 
 Math homework is given each day, Monday through Wednesday/Thursday.  
HW Packet is Due the following Monday.


Important Reminders:
* If your child comes in after 8:40 or is absent, please send a valid written/emailed excuse.  Emails should be sent to
* Due to the health and safety concerns this year, birthday treats must be store bought items. Please email me before sending a treat in.
* Please check your child's homework folder DAILY and help to keep the papers cleaned out.  This will help me, so that I do not miss homework, notes, or other important paperwork.  
* Change of Dismissal: If you need to make a change regarding how your child will be getting home, please email and include your teacher in the email as well!

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